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Integrated Delivery
Low Carbon Investment and Decentralised Energy Potential in Haringey
(PDF 5.55MB)
Briefing on Draft Tottenham Regeneration Strategy
(PDF, 540KB)
Haringey Core Strategy Summary
(PDF, 235KB)
Transport Investment for Tottenham
(PDF, 64KB)
Upper Lee Valley Opportunity Area – Cabinet report July 2011
(PDF, 322KB)
Summary of Community Infrastructure Study
(PDF 199KB)
Haringey Borough Investment Plan
(PDF, 6MB)
Housing Exemplars in Haringey
(PDF 54.9KB)
Solar Renewable Potential North London
(PDF, 1.2MB)
Summary of Potential for Solar PV Investment in Haringey
Energy efficiency measures in homes – mapping fuel poverty and conservation areas
(PDF, 3.5MB)