100 days of a Labour Government 12th Oct – click

Hear from Catherine West MP for Hornsey and Frien Barnet

Venue: St Mary’s School Rectory Gardens N8 7QN
Date and Time : Saturday 12th October 2pm

The Labour Government will have been in power for 100 days by the 12th October 2024. Greenpeace has set up a mass event for people to hear from their MPs what has happened in that time – particularly on climate, nature and environmental topics.

The local Friends of the Earth have arranged this meeting with the Hornsey and Frien Barnet MP Catherine West – details here. If you would like to organise a similar event with the other Haringey MPs go to Greenpeace.

If you need to contact Catherine West for any reason as one of her constituents go to catherinewest.org.uk.