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The Haringey Climate Forum is about creating positive change, in line with the climate emergency, both in our own lives, and through the Council and other institutions in the borough. Our aim, zero carbon as soon as possible, is ambitious, but it is achievable, and together we can make a difference.We already have everything we need to start creating a happier, healthier, greener, and more prosperous borough. Many people are doing this  – our families, our neighbours, local entrepreneurs on our high streets and volunteer organisations across the borough are already making great strides forward.

For inspiring ideas and to find out some of the many ways you can join the HCF community in creating a better borough:

Sustainable Haringey  hosts lively discussions on topical issues around Haringey, and lists local sustainable events.

It has options to sign up to a general mailing list, or a moderated activists mailing list, as well as a busy facebook page.