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2012 Framework Studies

In 2011 Haringey was one of 9 local authorities selected to take part in the Local Carbon Framework (LCF) Project, funded by the Department of Energy and Climate Change. This nationwide initiative explored how national carbon targets can be achieved at a local level. Funding was awarded for 5 studies that would help the Council develop a 40:20 Action Plan. These studies looked at:

  1. Housing retrofit potential in North London
  2. Solar Power on Council buildings
  3. Green enterprise in the Upper Lee Valley
  4. Selling electricity from Combined Heat and Power Schemes
  5. Producing guidance for Decentralised Energy Schemes

See below for details

They were carried out in partnership with other north London Boroughs to share expertise, create the opportunity to benefit from economies of scale and maximise joint potential to attract investment. The Carbon Commission reviewed the findings of these studies before making their recommendations.

Housing retrofit potential in North London

Purpose of project

To produce a detailed housing stock database for the boroughs involved. The database can then be used to develop technical specifications for housing retrofit for the most common types of dwellings, to deliver the housing sector’s contribution to a 40% CO2 reduction target by 2020.

In addition a business plan and strategy has been developed for delivering a major retrofit programme for 20-30,000 homes per year in the North London Sub-Region (approximately 5,000 per borough). The business plan may evolve to include the retrofit of commercial properties in line with the Government’s proposals for The Green Deal.

Project partners


Solar power on Council buildings

Purpose of project

This project aims to gain investment in solar power while maximising the benefit to the north London region. The project looked at non-domestic and domestic buildings, including social housing and included the following elements:

  • Collecting data from across the north London region
  • Developing an assessment method for the potential suitability of buildings for solar power and to deliver training to relevant officers
  • An assessment of the ownership and type of delivery model for a solar power installation scheme
  • An analysis of the potential local economic benefit
  • Set up framework contract for use by London local authorities, Local Strategic Partners and local commercial organisations
  • Producing guidance for other Local Authorities

Project Working Group


Green enterprise potential

Purpose of potential

The Upper Lee Valley has been identified in the London Plan as the capital’s largest Opportunity Area. This project aimed to develop an understanding of the current low carbon economy and potential for green growth, together with clear, strategic actions to support that economic expansion.

The project produced a study that outlines the current green economy landscape, with an action plan for taking advantage of growth areas.

Haringey aims to contribute to the economic development and regeneration of the borough, by engaging local businesses to help deliver low carbon projects.

Haringey already has a Sustainable Procurement Strategy and Action Plan to support delivery on social, economic and environmental objectives – this project will provide an evidence base for future direction and implementation of this work.

Project Working Group


Selling electricity from CHP Schemes

Purpose of project

The Council has completed detailed feasibility studies for two district heating networks in the borough with support of the London Development Agency. In both cases, the studies identified a funding gap which would require grant funding.

The studies are based on the assumption that Combined Heat and Power (CHP) generated electricity is sold to the grid at a wholesale rate. If electricity from CHP could be sold at a retail price this could generate a return on investment sufficient to close the current grant funding gap and potentially attract private investment to deliver these schemes.

Acquiring a “Lite Supply Licence” would allow a district heating operator to sell electricity at retail rates to consumers with fewer risks and complexities. To date, no applications have been made for a Lite Licence due to uncertainty over the willingness of licensed suppliers to enter into the agreement required for the Lite Licence, along with the costs of developing the licence agreement and procuring a licensed supplier partner. This project will produce a draft Supplier Services Agreement contract and market testing of the contract will be taken forward by boroughs in 2011/12.

Project working group


Producing guidance for Decentralised Energy Schemes

Purpose of project

The purpose of this project is to gain an understanding of the potential for district heating networks in the borough based on heat loads and likely capital costs and cash flows, and set up organisational structures to oversee a strategic approach to delivering DE networks.

This would allow Haringey and other local authorities to gain a real understanding of the practical potential for district heating schemes in their areas and the contribution these schemes can make to achieving carbon targets.

Carrying out a feasibility study using external consultants is extremely costly and therefore a pre-feasibility method would allow the public sector to target their resources most cost effectively.

This energy master-planning guidance includes a Decentralised Energy Pre-feasibility Assessment Tool. Together the guidance and pre-feasibility tool will represent an energy master-planning toolkit which will allow local authority officers to perform high-level assessments of potential decentralised energy network opportunities.

Project working group 


The full report will be available to download in October.