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About the Haringey Climate Forum

The Haringey Climate Forum (HCF) was set up in 2011. It was called ‘40:20’, because, at that time it had an ambitious target to reduce CO2 emissions in the borough by 40% by 2020. In 2015 it was renamed to be ready to move forward after 2020, whilst the climate emergency was becoming more and more urgent. (see History & Background for original work).

A Memorandum of Understanding  between the Haringey Climate Forum and Haringey Council was signed off in March 2022, headed as shown below. For full document click  here.


HCF Open Meetings

HCF has open meetings roughly every two months, which are open to anyone to attend. If you would like to be added to the mailing list to be notified go to Contact. The Mailing List form can be filled in on behalf of a Community Group, or as an individual, with space to say what environmental topics you are particularly interested in.

Governance and Steering Group

There is an informal Steering Group including representatives of some of the local sustainability organisations and the convenor liaises with Steering Group members and other concerned parties to discuss strategy and future campaigns. 

The Steering Group will consist of active members of the Forum, see Terms of Reference below. Ideally the Steering Group will consist of people involved in key relevant community organisations representing the diversity of Haringey and active local community groups.

If you are involved with a Community Group in Haringey and would be willing to step up as a member of the Steering Group or otherwise help with any of the roles above please contact and explain your interest and contributions.

Named roles (current names in italics).

a) Convenor of the Forum (Quentin Given)
b) lead to arrange meetings of the Steering Group, and identify volunteers to take turns as chair and note taker (Vacancy))
c) Website Manager (Sydney Charles)
d) Social Media Lead – (vacancy)
e) Treasurer to manage and provide annual reports on the Forum’s finances (vacancy)
f) Funding Coordinator (to lead the process of obtaining and allocating grants) (vacancy)
g) An Outreach Team coordinator to develop and implement a strategy for engaging with community groups and residents in Haringey and encourage their members to participate.
h) A Communications Team coordinator to be responsible for making contact on specific issues as required, using appropriate channels such as Council members and officers, MP’s, community groups, Faith groups and schools .

Who Has Agreed to do What

Steering Group Terms of Reference

The purpose of the Steering Group (SG) is to carry out the following tasks:

– Arrange meetings and any other events of the Forum
– Promote outreach to increase engagement with community groups and individual residents
– Manage communications with mailing list and wider Haringey public
– Convene sub forums eg a Recycling Forum in consultation with the Council and with agreed Council resources
– Assist with fund raising, funds distribution and HCF finances

Manage the website and social media accounts

  1. The SG will consist of active members of the Forum, including where possible people involved in key relevant community organisations.
  2. Membership of the SG will be open to all active members of the Forum, and an open invitation to participate be circulated via email correspondence  and the website
  3. The SG will try to reach decisions at meetings by consensus but if this is not possible, by simple vote of those present. Between meetings decisions will be managed by the Convenor via email.
  4. Relevant notes of SG meetings will be circulated to the whole Forum membership,
  5. The SG will seek to undertake the following roles by named annual election alongside supporting teams set up on an adhoc basis.

The Forum will:

  1. Work with the Council, Homes for Haringey and other bodies to achieve strong policies, to ensure their implementation and to carry out scrutiny of council policies and actions
  2. Be a channel to bring issues and opinions from Haringey Residents to the council and promote Climate and Ecological initiatives from the Council across Haringey.
  3. Track both Haringey Council’s progress on climate and ecological initiatives and new and best practice work in other local authority areas and around the world.
  4. Provide information via social media and the HCF web site with a ‘think global, act local’ scope
  5. Grow the outreach of the Forum across the community groups of Haringey.
  6. Encourage wide and diverse appointments to the Steering Group and publish notes from the meetings.
  7. Provide at least 2 open meetings each year.
  8. Seek funding for the work of HCF and promote funds for community projects.
  9. The Forum will be an anti-discrimination organisation. Discriminatory behaviour will be unacceptable at meetings or in communications.
  10. Policy issues will be discussed and scrutinised but in general the Forum will not take detailed policy positions.

Haringey Council agrees to:

  1. Commit to an agreed level of input and exchange with the Forum including relevant member and officer attendance, according to their portfolios and remit, at Forum meetings as appropriate.
  2. Provide a channel for news and regular progress updates on Haringey Council’s work, for the HCF to assist in disseminating across the community
  3. Provide the Haringey Climate Forum with resources to provide dedicated resources to grow the reach and engagement of the HCF throughout Haringey’s community groups. Extend the funding of the web hosting to include IT support and maintenance.
  4. Support events and meetings in Council owned premises and outside locations to host HCF board meetings and community engagement sessions around energy efficiency/fuel poverty and other relevant